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Our nature varies for different animals but it is also suffering the same fate: the endangerment of various species and threats to our natural resources. There are now environmental and wildlife protection laws which are the concrete way of Canada to act on their commitment to clean air, clean water, and the conservation of the wildlife species and their habitat.
The landscapes and seascapes and the protection of the wild species that are essential to the environmental, social and economic well-being of the wildlife in Canada. That is why Sasha Jacob, founder, and CEO of Jacob Capital Management Inc. worked with WWF — Canada to ensure that the wildlife conservation and protection are successful to help maintain the forest ecosystems and biodiversity in Canadian forests.

Sasha Jacob shares the reasons why we should conserve nature

1. For wildlife protection
Protecting the wildlife also means that you are preserving it for the future generations. It helps in promoting biodiversity for a healthy and functional ecosystem. We humans can also benefit from protecting wildlife because a lot of medicines can be derived from the chemicals produced by animals and plants. The conservation of their natural habitat enriches our planet and keep the nature’s balance.
2. For environmental protection
A healthy environment is essential to a healthy living. The overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere is increasing that is why environment protection groups and organizations are making steps in the protection of the environment and reduce ozone depletion. Sasha Jacob financial advisory firm believes that the future generation can benefit it too since you want to show them the world that you have seen in your time.
3. For terrestrial ecosystem and habitat conservation
There are species that cannot survive outside their natural habitat without human intervention such as the habitats that are found in a zoo or aquarium. Other migratory species are vulnerable to habitat destruction because they tend to inhibit more than one natural habitat. Sasha Jacob shares that the alteration of a natural habitat can result in a domino effect that harms the entire ecosystem.
4. For the health of natural parks
A natural park is a home to many endemic species and therefore must be protected. Natural parks protect the places of natural beauty and it is a land set aside for native plants, animals and the places in which they live. Natural parks house a lot of plants so they also play a big part in keeping our environment healthy. These natural parks are places for everybody to learn about the native plants and animals and the way that they rely on each other.
5. For marine ecosystems
Our oceans are the largest ecosystems here and they are the Earth’s largest life support systems. Do you know that oceans generate half of the oxygen that people breathe? The ocean also provides a sixth of the animal proteins that we eat and they have the most promising source of new medicines to combat cancer. The security, economy, and our very own survival requires healthy ocean that is why helping in conserving it can bring lots of advantages to humankind.

The gradual destruction of our ecosystems and natural habitats have caused an imbalance in the biodiversity. Of course, the conservation of nature relies on humans to prevent the damage caused to the world by other humans.
Sasha Jacob Capital Management Inc works with various wildlife conservation groups most notably as the board member of WWF — Canada. We don’t need more reasons in conserving nature. The climate, weather changes, and depletion of the ozone layer are enough evidence of the degrading Earth and therefore, we must act as a whole to help preserve our planet.

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